
Sunday, July 13, 2008

Medicine in America

So, now my daughter is like extremely pregnant. She has been having labor pains for two days, but not very regular. She calls her doctor and gets the on-call doc. The on-call doc tells her in an accent that was so thick that all my daughter could understand was that you are probably in labor take to extra strength tylenol and go to bed. What's up with that?

Anyway, all day today we have been waiting for the wee one to be born. Still having pains but no baby. Maybe tomorrow.

Which brings me to another topic. I have a tooth that needs a root canal and crown. I have another tooth that needs a re-treatment of a root canal. I have to wait until my major dental kicks in in August before insurance covers any of the root canal and even with that it's going to be over $1,000.

Then I go in for my well-woman exam. I'm told I have to have a colonoscopy as I'm now over 50 years of age. I'm assured that my medical insurance will cover this test as it is part of my well woman exam. Okay so I'm scheduled to speak with the gastro. doctor. She assures me my insurance will cover this as it's part of my well woman exam.

5 days before this colonoscopy I get a letter in the mail saying it's going to cost me $640 for this medical test that's supposed to be covered by my medical insurance that is supposed to be covering my well woman exam. So I go to my medical insurance site. The normal charge for a colonoscopy in this area is between $410-$510.

My husband calls the gastro. place. They tell him we will be reimbursed after insurance pays thier share of the $640. Well this $640 is being saved for a root canal I know I absolutely need. The colonoscopy is because some doctor decided I needed this test. I had one 4 years ago when I was ill in the hospital. It was clear.

Now I have a decision to make-root canal or colonoscopy? I picked the root canal. My tooth hurts; My butt does not!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"My tooth hurts; My butt does not!"

ROFLMAO!! It was worth
reading the whole article just for that "punch line" :-D

I hope that your are well, Keep Smiling :)
